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Mystery P.I. - The Curious Case of Counterfeit Cove

Release date: 24 November 2011

We're very sorry for the inconvenience, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we'll no longer be able to offer this game as of 12-06-2016. Please note that we're working hard to find and create even better games!

If you've purchased the game, you can always download it again by logging in and going to "My account". If you haven't bought the game, it's no longer possible to buy it or play it with FunPass.

If you have any questions or concerns, you're always welcome to contact us.
What our players think of Mystery P.I. - The Curious Case of Counterfeit Cove
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| Age: 62 | Added on 09-08-2015
Interesting and sometimes quite difficult as it used American words which do not always have English equivalents, so sometimes not sure what you're looking for! Good variety of extra games .
| Age: 62 | Added on 09-08-2015
Interesting and sometimes quite difficult as it used American words which do not always have English equivalents, so sometimes not sure what you're looking for! Good variety of extra games .